Wednesday 28 August 2013

I'm the Most Self-Absorbed Person I Know

I usually fall short; to frustration, 
to desperation,
to fucking years of this.

And I guess that's why
sometimes the sadness wins
and I forget to smile for an hour or three.

I've had to put my faith in mortality,
and know that I'm not quite infinite,
and that seems to ease my tender papercuts.

Often my only defense against your A4 edges 
is a forty-nine cent ballpoint that roars a response
to your blank, emotionless apathy.

As much as this pen on paper does its piece,
As much as I find solace behind my half-price sword,
When my only inspiration is my limited mortality;

I just put down the pen,
and stop.

Monday 10 December 2012


we weren't.
Not that we ceased to be -
Inherently existing, being
nothing in particular, just becoming
the negative;
the inverse;
the pure.

Impacts; spinning
the earth beneath our feet
as we together cease
to be.

Every instant, we
both are and are not -
returning to existence with
pounding of five-feathered
wings on pavement.
Large hands slow and
small hands stop
as we divide ourselves between
the rubber sole of the being
and the soundless void of the not.


Tuesday 4 December 2012

Souvenirs D'été

She's my summer girl, with
pools of green gently pushing at
blue, pulling me into their depths.
Lips so gentle and sweet,
with kisses from the north 
warming my cheek
and making me hold to the day.

Fingers and hands, smooth but brittle -
Shyly intertwining with mine as I build
these futile homes for us;
from her flesh come the walls;
my hands are simply a vessel for her being.
They won't last the night, these homes.
Her mood swings see to that.
Foreseeable unpredictability
trade my labours for a clean slate.

Morning will come again, back to the start.
She won't remember me - she'll be her own.
Every evening, I'll hold her close
But she'll never last the night.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

The Middle Finger of the Cumulonimbus

It was as if
the roof over us 
was painted;
and we were expecting a son.
Royal hues of the navy's blue,
That lasted till quarter to one.
Soon brushed us indoors onto 
cool concrete floors,
and snuffed out
our last hope
of fun.

Saturday 20 October 2012

Christmas Bells Are Ringing

Bells line the street.

The trees that are
in season for two weeks
fill every shopping mall,
every arcade, every restaurant.
It’s all the same.

They are nothing more than
Incandescent tributes to the time of year
when the meek are lost in a world
of consumerism and egotistic wrath

People pass me on the street
The hear my words but not my message
I do not preach
I do not intrude
I merely ask that they participate
In the joy of the season they so love

My lack of
Jolly lard and a coat covered
In red food colouring
Means that at this time of year,
No one will hear me above the bells.

The child stops, pauses
But the guiding hand of his mother
Leads him on. He was listening –
Listening in vain to my voice
Listening To a broken and cold
“hallelujah”, lost among the bells.

Damn the bells. 

Thursday 30 August 2012

The Queen's Pawn

A whirlwind romance
Bourne of tumultuous
Connections and concoctions
New lovers,
Old friends.

The first pawn was
Hesitant, one square,
Black to white – hopeful
The same pawn
Soon found his queen

Pokerfaced beginnings,
Flushed at discovery,
The two join hands together,
Their own full house,
Mr and Mrs Usher.

She the queen
leads the charge;
towards life, love,
and cliché.
Across boards of black and white
divisions designed to be broken
the grass appeared not greener, 
but sickly to him.
She, ta'en from his embrace;
the game his true love,
a cruel mistress indeed.

Lovers parted;
In a world filled with vipers
And faulty elevators.
One roll of the dice away
From bliss, completion,
And togetherness
But for now
The levels, rows, columns,
Group the heroes
With the villains
Whittling away
The false pretences
Rhetoric, a simple
“Do you have a…”

Until one remains, victorious
The twentieth question,
The twentieth year,
Brings them back together
And once again, the ones
around them feel the

whirlwind romance,
straddling worlds,
boards and bets of risk;
colours clashing and merging
allegiances broken
ill repaired,
fragmented house
no longer a home to those
who rest within the mausoleum doors

Old lovers,
New friends.

Bathroom Philosophy

The next time we meet, friend;
I’ll apologize for all the things I’ve done
The agony, the angst, my selfish being
I’ll do my best to admit my flaws;
And you’ll smile and point out more

But the heart of the issue
“Where lies the blame?”
My enemies?
My friends...

Even myself...

But was I every truly

Even close to perfect?

We meet again, friend,
And just like I promised,
As I apologize for everything

You interrupt
with confrontations of your own
the same words, lips, sounds...

A smooth surface separates us,
My only friend from me
You, the one I trust,
The one who knows me better than I know myself,
Lives in another world
of opposites and fleeting glances
And corrected imprfections imperfections

These are the tangled thoughts
of the bathroom philosophy
beliefs formed under a steady stream
of steamy criticism and 
passion-scented dispute
Only to be forgotten to the world
As I drip
slowly, slowly,
back to reality

And away from the bathroom philosophy.